Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good Australian Woman

I haven’t had the chance to post about my new amazing roommate Dali in the last month! Brad is leaving on August 9 so we thought it would be wise to start looking for a roommate. I mentioned in passing to my friend Amanda that I would have a spare room in my apartment and the very next day she sent her Australian friend Dali over to meet us.

I should preface that it is HARD to find apartments here because you don’t have residency, Argentine bank account, etc. but most difficult is that most leases are for TWO YEARS MINIMUM.

Anyhow, I mentioned it on a Wednesday night to Amanda, we met Dali at 3:30 on Thursday and by 6:00 she had moved in. A very nice surprise!!

She’s a little bit older than Brad and I and has traveled the whole world practically. Originally from Croatia, her family was displaced in the Serbian-Croatian conflict and moved to Australia when she was 19. So far she’s taught us how to make preschka (a bread without yeast) and hummus, taken us Latin Dancing, made us ginger tea, organized a trip to the thermal baths…the list really goes on forever.


^^^On our night out to Latin Dance…Smile 

Unfortunately, I think she’s probably going to move on about the same time Brad is for her next adventure. However, it’s only been about a month since she moved in and we’ve all done so much together already…we will definitely all make the most of July!

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